Thursday, March 24, 2011

Vintage 50's - 60's Vinyl Head Cloth Body Hand Puppets - KING FRIDAY

Vintage Vinyl Head Cloth Body Hand Puppet Mr Rogers KING FRIDAY
King Friday and Queen Sara from Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood of Make-Believe are just two of a lot of vintage vinyl head cloth body hand puppets we have for sale right now. There's also a clown head I'm reasonably sure is a Bozo clown.

The cloth is in better shape on some than on the others, but all the heads are as close to perfect as you're likely to find for a child's puppet that is 50 years old or more! Since they are collectibles, I've not attempted to clean them in any way. A few do have some soil on the heads that really looks like it would just wash off.

Even if you're not interested in purchasing one of these, why not take a walk down memory lane and take a look at these old friends. If you recognize any of these puppets and know what their names are or anything about them, I'd love to hear from you!

Vintage Vinyl Head Hand Puppets

We hope you will find the lovie you are looking for in our DIRTY BUTTER Plush Animal Shoppe CATALOG. But we have many more toys in stock than we have listed, so please Contact Us if you don't see what you are looking for. If we don't have it in stock, we will search the Internet for it. If we still can't find it, we will post your request on our Plush Memories Lost Toy Search Service Facebook Page.

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